Posts made in June, 2008

>Photo Hunt #25 – Water

Posted by on Jun 22, 2008 in Cambodia life, friends, Photo Hunt | 0 comments



Nothing beats soaking on the warm, bubbly waters of jacuzzi, after a hard day’s work, or, on a cold night.

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>Wordless W ednesday #42: Why I Miss Home Part2

Posted by on Jun 18, 2008 in faces, family, milestones, people, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments


Because of them:

My nephew, Joshua, 3 years old
Loves Superman and reading books. He says he doesn’t want to go to school, but will borrow books from school to read at home.

chappi big eyes
My niece, Chappi, 7months old
Raises her hands and squeals in delight whenever she hears Viva. She has the same big eyes of her big sister Beebop. We fondly call her Fidela, after former President Fidel Ramos. Why? Just look at her ear 🙂

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>Wordless Wednesday #41: Why I Miss Home

Posted by on Jun 10, 2008 in faces, family, milestones, people, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments

>beebop big eyes
My niece, Beebop, 2 years old.
I met her for the first time when I went home last April.
I miss those pair of big, round eyes, asking me “where’s Tito Wob?” (my husband) every minute of the day.

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>Photo Hunt #24: Hair – The 70s

Posted by on Jun 7, 2008 in family, people, Photo Hunt, yesterday | 0 comments



I know he would skin me alive when he sees this, but I am posting this anyway. Phnom Penh is thousands of miles away from my hometown of Roxas City (in the Philippines) so I am safe and far from his wrath *lol*. That’s my uncle and his posse, their big hair and side-part are trademark of the 70s. . I am not saying it’s a bad hair as it was the big thing in the 70s… all I am saying is… watta hair!

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>Wordless Wednesday #40: Watch out, ducks crossing!

Posted by on Jun 4, 2008 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, funny, Kep, rural, sights, travel, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments

>ducks crossing

We were driving back to Kep from Kampot when we were stopped by this group of ducks. Oh look, they all have made it across, except for the last duck which we think was the bodyguard.

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