
APAD 143: Max’s favourite drink

Posted by on Aug 20, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia, Cambodia life, drinks, funny, Furry Friday, Max, pets, Phnom Penh, Photo Hunt | 0 comments

Here’s a younger Max with a can of her favourite drink.

More Photo Hunters are found at tnchick’s site. Please click the link to go there.
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APAD 118: Sleeping beauty

Posted by on Jul 11, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, funny, Joe, Mellow Yellow Monday, pets | 6 comments

After playing enthusiastically with his favourite toy, the yellow plastic bottle, here I caught this little bugger about to snooze!

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APAD 104: Confusion inside the loo

Posted by on Jun 23, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, funny, sights, Signs | 5 comments

APAD 104 Confused much

A few years ago, I came back from an overseas trip and, while waiting for my baggage to come out of the carousel, I decided to make a dash to the loo. I was chuckling when I saw this sign inside one of the cubicles…

Change? What change?!?! lol.
This is not a mistranslation but merely a misplaced sign that I found to be funny while sitting on the “throne”.


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>Wordless Wednesday #53: World’s Most Scared Kid

Posted by on Sep 24, 2008 in faces, family, funny, milestones, people, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments


Finally, I am breaking my silence.

A lot has transpired since my last post, and it’s because I have been doing things the past weeks that I didn’t have enough energy to keep my blog updated. I know, laziness is not an excuse, as my good friend pointed out to me.

So here I am… attempting to blog.

I was having my afternoon snack earlier when I downloaded this picture sent by my sister – and my jaw dropped when I saw this picture. I choked and bits of my snack shot out of my nostrils. Ok, that’s an exaggeration.

The look on my niece Beebop’s face was enough to convince me to snap out of this blogging funk and post this photo for this week’s Wordless Wednesday!

oh my, mama!

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>Wordless Wednesday #44 : Not right now, I’m tired…

Posted by on Jul 8, 2008 in Cambodia life, family, funny, pets, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments



More Wordless entries are found here.

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>Wordless Wednesday #40: Watch out, ducks crossing!

Posted by on Jun 4, 2008 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, funny, Kep, rural, sights, travel, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments

>ducks crossing

We were driving back to Kep from Kampot when we were stopped by this group of ducks. Oh look, they all have made it across, except for the last duck which we think was the bodyguard.

Go to Wordless Wednesday for more entries.

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