>Skywatch Friday 005: Rain in summer

Posted by on Apr 24, 2009 in A Photo a Day, Cambodia life, Phnom Penh, sights, Skywatch Friday | 2 comments

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I actually have a different photo for today’s Skywatch Friday but as I am writing this, thunder is rolling and it’s punctuated by flashes of lightning… ominously signaling that the rain is coming.

And rain did come.
So I went outside to snap the photo above.

Notice the flooded streets?
It’s a normal sight, and I can only imagine what it’s like all over Phnom Penh. An hour of heavy rain in the city is like being in a water-world. I kid you not. Yes, we are currently experiencing rains and thunderstorms in the middle of the dry season. Some freak weather we have here…

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  1. >Isn’t it true the planes are always above the clouds, no matter how rainy or cloudy below.

  2. >That cloudy sky is beautiful. Such subtle textures and colours, lovely!

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