APAD 046: Traffic of shadows

Posted by on Apr 24, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Shadow Shot Sunday, transportation | 7 comments

Took this in front of the Royal Palace (you can see the Palace wall on the right) mid-afternoon while driving to the grocery store. It was a quiet time for driving, the traffic light. I love the shadows cast by the vehicles.The Royal Palace is in Sothearos Boulevard. The pom-pom like trees on the right are palm trees; they are Cambodia’s national tree.

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  1. Thank you for this street scene – the vehicles, the palms and the shadows. It's interesting to see so many traveling on two wheels, so much more economical than traveling on four!

  2. I love this photo. there's so much going on. so many driving cycles instead of cars- good thinking, better gas mileage! this is a splendid shadow shot! have a great week.

  3. thank you for sharing this lovely shot…it looks so idylic with the palm trees and the cycles moving along in groups!Have a happy week,Hugs,Beth PStop by my Shadow shot if you get the chance…I am #106 this week.

  4. It's a mix of old and new, modern and classic, lovely street shot! –Mirage

  5. Beautiful shadow!<a href="http://www.sailorsmusings.com/2011/04/rake-shadow.html</a&gt;, hope you can come and see. Have a good week ahead!

  6. I love how so many people travel using motorbikes instead of cars! A lot cheaper to run and more fun I imagine :)Have a great week!

  7. Love this shot! I was there a few years ago and plan to go again. Love Angkor and I think time stood still for us, i admired all those architechture a lot.

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