APAD 048: Still in shambles

Posted by on Apr 26, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, That's My World | 7 comments

… and waiting to be restored.

Despite the many millions of dollars poured into and countless experts from different countries that raced to help in the restoration of this UNESCO World Heritage Site – the Angkor Wat – there are still other lesser known temples  in the complex (but equally fascinating) that lie in shambles waiting to get noticed.
More photos at That’s My World!

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  1. this is a beautiful perspective. wonderful shot!

  2. Terrific capture and a wonderful perspective indeed! I do hope it's restored soon. It's much to beautiful to abandon! Have a great week!Sylvia

  3. yap your perspective is superb. i hope they find the money and the right manpower to start restoration.

  4. Hi, Sreisaat! I hope this will be restored sooner. It is a treasure of the world. I imagine what it was like in the glory of the past.

  5. Sadly, your photo is just one example of out many monuments that should be restored. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  6. It must take a very specialized skill to restore these temples.

  7. What a fabulous capture. I just love the way you composed the shot. So interesting.

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