It’s the third day of the Pchum Ben Festival (Festival of the Dead, or, the Festival of the Ancestors) and the faithful Buddhists troop to the wats (temples) to offer food, incense and prayers for their dead family members and relatives.

It was a beautiful warm, sunny day this morning – perfect for visiting the wat. But later in the day, the sky darkened, the heavens opened and out came the rain. People scampered everywhere looking for shelter. It was a mad, mad dash!

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  1. I love your description of the people scamper when the heavens opened up! your blue skies in the photo are beautiful. happy day to you Sreisaat!

  2. Yes, I was scampering for shelter, too! Good thing is it didn’t ruin everyone’s mood. Everyone were smiling, some even laughing while running in different directions. It was a fun time. Thank you for visiting, Ms. Becky. May you have a great weekend.

  3. Very nice photo.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. wow, this must be a beautiful temple! gorgeous shade of blue!

    • It is, Luna, and it’s in Oudong – the old capital of Cambodia – located 50kms from the present-day capital Phnom Penh.

  5. Love the perspective in this shot….really neat. Your story of the rain coming and the people hurrying to get under cover really brings the photo to life. Lovely capture. genie

  6. Thank you, Genie!

  7. That really is minutely carved artistic piece of work! Awesome capture!!

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