APAD 316: Sunset over Tuol Kork

Posted by on Jun 29, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Expat Life, sights, That's My World | 4 comments

Saturday afternoons have become kite-flying time for us in the hood. When I say “us” it includes the neighbourhood kids who are in my husband’s English class and their siblings, apart from me, my husband and my younger brother.

Last week we started at 5.30pm. Surprisingly the sun was still up. The kids love this weekly activity because it not only engages them to speak English but they also get to fly kites (made by my husband) and chase them while flying low. It is a different kind of thrill for them, something these kids have not done as they are mostly occupied with computer and video games at home.

While they were busy running around, I noticed the beautiful sky. The sun’s golden rays were starting to fade as darkness started to creep in to make way for the darkness to envelop the sky.

Love the silhouette of the houses against the dramatic sky.

We’re doing it again tomorrow. I hope it doesn’t rain like last week so I can take another beautiful sunset.

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  1. Fantastic sky.

  2. A wonderful dramatic sky.

  3. Such beautiful sky. And it’s fun flying kite I cannot remember when was the last time I fly a kite it’s like long time ago. ^_^ Thanks for dropping by at my blog I do appreciate it much. Happy weekend!


  4. Beautiful pastel colours. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

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