Eeeeeek, I’ve been listed!

Posted by on Nov 22, 2012 in Everything Pinoy, Expat Life, What's On in Cambodia | 1 comment

Dear friends, this blog {Inside Cambodia} has  been listed to the Expats Blog Directory at Expats Blog (EB), much to my surprise. I don’t know who submitted my blog there  or whether the people at EB did it themselves,  to  be honest. BUT, a big thank you to whoever did it!  In an email from EB, I was told that Inside Cambodia has been nominated for one of their Top Blogs for 2012. Ain’t that great?

I don’t normally solicit for help but,  here,  I’m giving you the link to my listing.

If you think you think Inside Cambodia is a cool blog and  deserves the nomination, kindly leave a review at EB’s site using the link I provided above.
Thank you and have a great weekend!

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One Comment

  1. Congratulations!
    * * *
    I’m gradually letting people know I’ve moved my blog ‘Message in a Milk Bottle’ to a new URL –

    – where it is now known as M2.
    If you would like to – please do re-follow there!

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