… Happy New Year.

Yes. We just celebrated the Cambodian New Year over the weekend, April 14-16 to be precise. It is a three-day celebration, according to the lunar calendar. It is also a celebration of the end of the harvest season. Hence, it is a colourful, festive and fun celebration.

happy khmer new year

This year, we welcomed New Year on the early hours of Saturday (2amish). Drumbeats and prayers from the wats (temples) ushered the New Year as well as the new Thevadas (see photo). In Buddhism, they are sort of angels, if you like, who’ve come to replace the old ones guarding the Earth.

To know more about the festive Khmer New Year, please click this link.

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  1. Happy New Year! i’ve started on some of my New Year’s resolution and you’re just starting on yours.:p

  2. happy new year!

  3. Happy New Year to you!
    It is interesting that for each of the three days there is a specific ritual to be followed. It sounds so much more meaningful than our “drink champagne at midnight” ritual.

  4. Looks like it would be a great time.

  5. Thanks for all the info – it was all new to me! 😉

  6. Love the intricate design and colours in this sign!

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