Monday Mellow Yellows: Colouring books for adults

Posted by on Jul 25, 2016 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 4, Expat Life | 2 comments


It is exactly after three months today that I am logging in again to my blog. My husband started working full-time again so we needed to divvy up our responsibilities at home. I cannot do them all, to be honest, even if I stay at home. So for the past three months, it was a period of re-structuring until we (yes, he and I) found a formula that works for us.

So now I’m back again to the blogosphere. After a long time of absence, how do I get my blogging rhythm back? Well, I browsed through my pictures folder for something yellow to post for Monday Mellow Yellows, of course 🙂

The other day I bought these adult colouring books at a local bookstore called IBC (along Monivong Boulevard):

Colouring books for Mamagirl, mandalas and flowers. I bought a mandala book for myself, too.

My sister is celebrating her birthday next month and I thought these would be great presents for her. She works full-time and manages to take care of her family despite the stress and pressures of her job in the development sector. These colouring books should help her relax. I know adult colouring books have gained popularity these days and many friends are already in the bandwagon. They do tell me that these illustrated pages and colouring pens and pencils are doing their minds some good. I bought one for myself, too.

How about you – what do you do to keep you relaxed?

Monday Mellow Yellows

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  1. what a delicate post,
    your blog is pretty.

  2. Adore mandalas – especially the intricate ones. My students love to colour them as rewardes fror work completed well or as an end of term celebration.

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