APAD 326: Watch out, boys!

Posted by on Jul 16, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer | 4 comments

Last Friday was kite-flying with the kids at Aziza’s Place, a non-government organisation providing a half-way house for underprivileged kids in Phnom Penh.

These two boys immediately set their kites in the air and are too engrossed in what they were doing. Neither of them noticed this road compactor going in their direction. But don’t worry, no one was harmed. The driver stopped in that very spot you see on the picture and drove away to let the boys enjoy their kites.

Here comes the road compactor, boys.

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  1. Captured beautifully! Visiting from Mellow Yellow.

    Come and have some of my Yummy Yellows. Have a great week ahead.

  2. nice shot, and random act of kindness…..

  3. Kite flying is so fun! Great shot..

    Visiting for MYM- hope you can stop by..


  4. Decisive moment! Cool shot!

    Visiting from MYM – http://turningboholano.blogspot.com/2012/07/magical-mind.html


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