APAD 037: Great day for a river-boat cruise

Posted by on Apr 15, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Skywatch Friday | 9 comments

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  1. lovely…

  2. Cambodia looks liek a very beautiful country!

  3. Wonderful photo!Welcome to visit my blog and watch my photos of sunsets from Bolivia, shared at SkyWatch Friday.Jan Halvard, Norway¡Buenos dias Bolivia!

  4. Great picture of a beautiful rainbow. I love the contrast with the water.

  5. Beautiful shot!I would be so happy if you could visit my Sky Watch at Kids e-Connection, thank you so much!

  6. Wow! You got the rainbow too. 🙂

  7. a gorgeous shot.

  8. nice sky shot. was able to see rainbow din last time we had a river cruise! happy cambodian new year! 🙂

  9. Beautiful shot. Rainbows for good new year's wishes!

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