APAD 051: Sisowath Quay

Posted by on Apr 29, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Skywatch Friday | 3 comments

A beautiful sunny day in Phnom Penh, with a bit of cloud formation in the sky. I love passing through Sisowath Quay when it is quiet and virtually empty like this day.

More sky photos at Skywatch Friday

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  1. I think your photos are just fantastic.

  2. Thank you for your kind compliment, Ms. Becky! It inspires me a lot to keep on doing what I'm doing!

  3. very nice shotWhen I see your country I feel that I am seing Bolivia.Congratshttp://graceolsson.com/blog/2011/04/sweet-rio-de-janeiro/have a nice weekend

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