>Wordless Wednesday #38 Drunken stupor?
No, he’s not really drunk.
He borrowed the whiskey bottle from another table and gamely posed for this shot 🙂
He is Long Dimanche, our Coordinator in the Prey Veng Pilot Project site. Being the head of the team on this part of Cambodia, he does all the preparations making sure everything is ready when I arrive to conduct workshops and meetings. After days of working in and with the community, we, locals and ex-pat staff alike, share what the locals call a solidarity dinner. Everyone gets cleaned up, all dust washed away, puts on new clothes, and wear our best smiles looking forward to a fun night. Dinner is usually accompanied by loads of karaoke singing (all Khmer songs), dancing, and drinks.
>Photo Hunt #6 – Red
>Teener 1: What’s your favorite color?
Teener 2: Fuschia, it’s so cool!
Teener 1: Oh yeah, can you spell it?
Teener 2: (Stammers) Fuschia? Uhm… fuschia… F-O-O-S…. oh no. Okay… F-U-S-H…uhmmm… F-U-C-S… hmmmp! Can I change to red instead? Red… R-I-D!
Teener 1: (Scratches her head)
I am so like teener #2, I can’t find something red so this color instead.
A commune hall in rural Cambodia
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