>Typical work day in the commune

Posted by on Feb 6, 2009 in A Photo a Day, Kep, rural, sights, Skywatch Friday, Wordless Wednesday | 10 comments



Commune Hall
Pong Tuek Commune
Damnak Chang’eur District
Kep, Cambodia

Rain clouds forming on the horizon. A few minutes later, a heavy monsoon rain poured cooling the grazing animals and nourishing the dry land.

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  1. >Very nice shot, I love all the color. Thanks for sharing.Have a great weekend!GuyRegina In Pictures

  2. >This is a very beautiful sight…so green and the hut is so cool. We also have here nice huts. Happy Skywatching!

  3. >Beautiful green landscape and the sky with big clouds. I think you like the rain when it is so hot in your country.Happy Skiwatching and have a nice weekend!Elfe

  4. >Lovely shot! I hope the cattle will find shelter in the storm 🙂

  5. >Beautiful. Great green grass. Have a nice weekend

  6. >I’ve been looking for a Cambodian Photo blog for long and finally I have seen one. And this blog is so beautiful! It just made me love your country more and more. I hope I can visit Cambodia even once in my life! The photos are absolutely stunning!The fields and the vegetation is just like here in the Philippines but I really want to visit your country!Mabuhay from the Philipines!Steven^^

  7. >Beautiful

  8. >wonderful photo. I love getting to see other lands, thank you!

  9. >i am so glad to have this opportunity of seeing your world.

  10. >I love going to the country once in awhile to be in touch with my soul. Nice shot.

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