Posts made in October, 2008

>Wordless Wednesday #57: Light and shadow

Posted by on Oct 29, 2008 in ancient temples, Cambodia, sights, sunsets, Wordless Wednesday | 0 comments



Detail of a wall section in Angkor Wat.
Siem Reap, Cambodia

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>Wordless Wednesday #56: Juice mio!

Posted by on Oct 22, 2008 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, drinks, food, Khmenglish, sights | 0 comments


Living in Cambodia for a long time now makes me get used to signs that are funny or are not intending to be funny but because of the outrageous word combination (i.e., translations or context) it takes on another meaning (humorous) or no meaning at all. Previously I posted pictures of funny signs most of which I saw in my frequent trips to the countryside. This time, I am posting something that I found in a Chinese restaurant’s menu. Juice with fancy (funny) names available at one of the Chinese restaurants (forgot the name) near Hun Sen park, just a stone’s throw away from Java Cafe. Have a look:


Since it was really hot that day, so I ordered myself this:

Can you guess what I ordered??

No, not the Relieve summer heat the plum juice. They were out of stock.

Tried asking for the Keep like good health the turnip juice. No luck.

So I just settled for the cool water melon juice!

How about you, what’s your choice?

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>Photo Hunt #0031: Family

Posted by on Oct 18, 2008 in faces, family, Photo Hunt | 0 comments


gulp war

Gulp War of the borloloys!
In the photo are my nephew Joshua (middle) and nieces Beebop (left) and Chappi (right), about to have their siesta.

Borloloy is a term I borrowed from fellow blogger Toe and is used endearingly to refer to nephews and nieces. Our family is now growing in numbers, no doubt about it. Four years ago, Joshua was the center of attention being the first apo (grandchild) in the family. Two years after that, Beebop was born, and one year later, Chappi followed. Chappi’s birth somehow led everyone’s attention on me and my husband. The oldies in the family – composed of our uncles and aunts whose mission in life is to find a match to their single nephews and nieces and encourage procreation; you know, Noah’s ark and all- have stopped asking me when will I get married, as I already have,thanks very much. Instead they are now asking when will the husband and I are going to produce ankle-biters.

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>PhotoHunt #030: Lazy

Posted by on Oct 11, 2008 in Cambodia, Cambodia life, Kep, pets, Photo Hunt, rural, sights | 0 comments



In 2006, I was assigned to the coastal town of Kep and the whole family – me, my husband, and our dog Max – relocated. We stayed in a guesthouse on a hill with a sweeping view of the Bokor mountain and the Gulf of Thailand. Almost every day, after lunchtime, we all retreated to our hammocks on the mini-patio and spent the lazy afternoon enjoying the view. The breath-taking view and the refreshing sea breeze lulled us all to sleep, Max included.

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>Furry Friday #006: Crawly-creepy

Posted by on Oct 10, 2008 in creepy creatures, Furry Friday, rural | 0 comments


This creature is cute alright, but be warned, don’t let it touch your skin…


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