Posts made in March 26th, 2011

APAD 017: Limo tuk-tuk service in Phnom Penh

Posted by on Mar 26, 2011 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

This is the Limo tuk-tuk. I took this one to go home the last time I had coffee with my Peluka friends and imagining about what kind of  “best tuk-tuk experience” I was about to have.

There was nothing out of the ordinary with the ride – although I did see a message posted on the tuk-tuk that refreshment is free – soda and bottled water – but I didn’t get anything. Hmmm…

And by the way… the driver’s name is…. wait for it… Mr. Limo!
I thought the word “Limo” has something to do with a great tuk-tuk experience, taking cue from the limo services afforded to VIPS, etc. I was dead wrong. *lol*

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