APAD 019: Stuffs sold at the local market

Posted by on Mar 28, 2011 in Addicted to Meme, Mellow Yellow Monday | 9 comments

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  1. How much is the oil? LOL!clavsupclose.blogspot.com

  2. what is that my boy a kind of milk looks like alaska brand here, My MYM is here hope you can visit it thanks

  3. i have the same question as workingathome.:o another milk brand popped up–Milkmaid…my favorite palaman when i was a kid.:pMellow Yellow Monday

  4. Not sure what all these packages hold, but they certainly make a colourful display!

  5. I see ajinomoto that is a huge pack of msg ^_^ Great shot here and thanks for sharing!MYM

  6. @ Clavs, I'm not sure how much that big bottle of oil costs but I do know that a can of My Boy condensed milk costs 3000riels ($0.75).@Luna, ako rin, favourite ko yan. Hanggang dito, I spread Milk Boy condensed milk on toasted nom pang (local baguette). Yum!

  7. @Gemma/Greyscale Territory, those white stuffs are MSG (Ajinomoto), iodized salt (left of Ajinomoto), sugar (just above the MSG and salt), assorted canned milk, dishwashing soap, cooking oil and assorted bottled sauces.@Kim, yeah, they love using MSG in their food here.

  8. The My Boy tins caught my attention hehehe.Oh how gorgeous! Here's my yellow, have a great week.

  9. Some of them look familiar 😀 Ajinomoto, Bearbrand, My Boy is like Alaska condensed milk :DWell, I didn't have one this week but from last week.Yellow Cala

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