APAD 022: Money-laundering it is not!

Posted by on Mar 31, 2011 in Addicted to Meme, APAD, Signs | 15 comments

My husband and I were on our way back home from doing some shopping at the Russian Market when he decided to take another route. If it wasn’t for his brilliant idea to take the back streets of Mao Tse Tung  Boulevard, we wouldn’t have seen the above sign. It made our day πŸ™‚

What kind of place is a “loandry”?
I’m sure a lot of you have funny ideas and interpretations brewing in your head, come and share it with me!

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  1. I'm so lost in translation, are they offering a laundry service or loan as in money loan? LOL!

  2. Sis, they are offering money loan-dering services!

  3. pwede pala magpalaba ng pera dito hahahaha

  4. LMAO. That's one for the books! Thanks for sharing.http://ewok1993.wordpress.com

  5. Purplecat, Photo Cache – how do you like your loans? With extra starch? And ironed? *lol*

  6. and here I thought money laundering was done in secret!

  7. *LOL* this cracked me up! Signs here

  8. There are more surprises when you get off the beaten track.

  9. Laundry place i bet. πŸ˜€ heheheSumali ako, Zar! Arlenehttp://sunshine-photoblog.blogspot.com/2011/03/signs-charging-area.html

  10. Not sure I would trust it – who knows what you will get back.

  11. I bet they do great laundry! Just not too great with English… πŸ™‚

  12. Funny!

  13. I will go with a laundry place, but it could very well be where you might go for a loan. Don’t guess we will ever know the true answer πŸ™‚

  14. I love it!

  15. It is Laundry. Misspelling is dangerous. You should inform the owner of the shop and I am sure they will be very grateful to your concern.

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