APAD 030: Clear, summer sky in Phnom Penh

Posted by on Apr 7, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Cambodia life, Skywatch Friday | 4 comments

Warm days, clear sky, no rain, light breeze… that is how the Cambodian summer is like. Just like the day I took this photo. I just hope it doesn’t get warmer than the usual though – my electric bill last month has already skyrocketed and that’s mostly from using the AC machine and fans almost non-stop.

More sky photos at Skywatch Friday

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  1. So pretty!Would you come and see my Sky Watch entry? Thanks a lot!

  2. it's warm too in the Phils… electric bills skyrocketed..http://inthissideoftown.blogspot.com/2011/04/summer-sky.html

  3. It all looks so crisp and fresh and new…wonderful photo!

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