Posted by The Insider on Apr 5, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, That's My World | 1 comment
This is a typical traffic scene in Phnom Penh.
Moto-dop (motorcycle taxi) driver wearing crash helmet, check.
How many people can a moto-dop hold/carry? This is a favourite subject of discussion amongst expats and tourists here in Cambodia.
It depends. With cargos, or without? hahaha.
But in this particular picture, can you make a guess?
Answer: A grand total of 4, excluding the driver. A woman, presumably the mother, sat side-saddle with a toddler standling on her lap, check (very dangerous!). A little girl squished between her and the driver, check. Plus another girl in front of the driver, with the pink plastic bank, probably sitting on the gas tank, check. Actually, last year, I have seen and photographed a moto-dop with eight 8 people on it. Unbelievable!
Now you imagine that.
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Posted by The Insider on Apr 4, 2011 in APAD, Mellow Yellow Monday | 8 comments
This is one the many varieties of rose flower that grown in my garden. Honestly, I don’t know what they’re called but they are so lovely and gives off a faint yet pleasant odour. Yesterday, this lovely bloom greeted me and with this beauty – how can I resist not to take a picture and post it here?

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Posted by The Insider on Apr 3, 2011 in A Photo a Day | 0 comments
This is the traffic situation this morning as we approach the roundabout near the Chroy Changvar Bridge, aka, the Japanese-Cambodian Friendship Bridge, coming from France Street. It’s a totally different scene come regular days.
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Posted by The Insider on Apr 2, 2011 in A Photo a Day | 0 comments
This is where I buy my vegetables – they’re fresh and cheap. The market is small (like a talipapa in the Philippines) but one can find almost every thing there. The fresh produce come from the small farmers in the countryside except for a few others such as broccolis, carrots, and cauliflowers that are from Vietnam and Thailand.
For a budget of only 20,000riels (US$5), I could purchase a week’s supply of vegetables.The prices of these vegetables would’ve been cheaper if not for those greedy middlemen who buy cheap and sell for big profits.
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Posted by The Insider on Apr 1, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Skywatch Friday | 4 comments
One balmy night at the floating village at Chroy Changvar Peninsula.
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
This very picture I took while on a boat cruise reminded me of the first four lines from a sonnet in Don Quixote (Chapter 34), a Miguel Cervantes literary masterpiece. It goes this way:
At midnight, in the silence, when the eyes
Of happier mortals balmy slumbers close,
The weary tale of my unnumbered woes
To Chloris and to Heaven is wont to rise.

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