APAD 099: Is that informative enough?

Posted by on Jun 18, 2011 in faces, family, Photo Hunt | 3 comments

Oh, believe me. SHE DOES!
Don’t let this cutesy-patootsie little tot fool you.
She is my three-year old, almost four, niece and she is a terror to boys in our neighbourhood back in the Philippines. I wonder where she got that from? *evil grin*
This is a photo of my niece that I turned into a greeting card of sorts, thanks to PhotoShop.

More Photo Hunters are found at tnchick’s site. Please click the link to go there.
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  1. Haha: angeiic but deadly! Great choice for the theme!

  2. so she's the local astig!:p way to go, girl.

  3. it's very obvious,not only she is your favorite niece, but also a favorite model. 🙂PhotoHunt:Informative

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