Posts made in July 19th, 2012

APAD 329: Buckwheat fiasco

Posted by on Jul 19, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Expat Life, food, Signs of Times | 9 comments

We make our bread at home and, after several experimentation, I came to a conclusion that French brands of flour are the best for bread-making. One day in the grocery, my husband and I found this flour.  I normally use white flour. However, I have heard about buckwheat flour being healthier compared to the regular white flour  (100% gluten free, too).  The French use buckwheat to make savoury pancakes, pasta, gruel, cakes and the famous  “crêpe bretonne”.  Intrigued, I picked one pack to try.

Farine de Sarrasin, aka, buckwheat flour

It was a disaster! Lol. It didn’t turn out right – the batter looked normal but it was sticky and difficult to knead. I checked the internet and found out that cooking with 100% buckwheat will result to a tough and spongy texture. It has to be used together with white flour or wheat flour. I am so embarrassed at my ineptitude, lol. But I can always make it better next time, no?

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