Posts made in October, 2012

APAD 021: School advert

Posted by on Oct 11, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cycle 2, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 16 comments

Everywhere you go in the city – and most especially in the countryside – one can see the numerous {outdoor advertising} signs for goods and services. The signs range from beauty parlours, medical and dental clinics, car-wash, to BBQ restaurants and sound-system rentals.

My husband and I were on a road trip several weeks ago and we were traversing the new road along Prek Phnov and saw this sign.

It is obviously an advert for a school and is digitally-produced. I wonder what happened to the hand-painted signs that I so adore?

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APAD 020: Roadside hut

Posted by on Oct 10, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cycle 2, sights, That's My World, travel, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments


Go to Wordless Wednesday for more entries.

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APAD 019: Old Hotel Internationall building

Posted by on Oct 9, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

This old hotel building is in danger of getting torn down one day.

Operations has stopped a very long time ago. The ground floor is now rented out as residences or shops.

The fate of this building is yet unknown. But one thing is for sure, it will be gone one day.

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APAD 018: Sports jerseys

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cycle 2, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 6 comments

These jackets are selling like hotcakes. A lot of young local Cambodians snap these jackets. They’re not secondhand items, they overruns from the factories just next door this shop. For $9 I’m not a taker. It is still too much, in my opinion.

They’re factory overruns, not secondhand stuff.

Would you buy one yourself?
If the seller agreed to $4, I would’ve got one for myself. I’d choose the Spain jacket, of course. I’m an avid fan of Rafael Nadal, the tennis player 🙂

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APAD 017: Rural life

Posted by on Oct 5, 2012 in Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, sights, That's My World, travel, Uncategorized, What's On in Cambodia | 2 comments

A small wooden house surrounded by a small lotus pond – typical scene in rural Cambodia. Slow-paced and a laid-back lifestyle awaits the weary-souls of city-dwellers who come home to the countryside once in a while.

This is rural Cambodia.

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