Night shots have frustrated me for some time now  especially that I’m only using a point-and-shoot digicam. My mistake always lie on my use and/or improper use of flash. The ISO setting doesn’t really do much to improve my shots either. They tend to be grainy and artificial looking. Bu then, one night last week, I got lucky. 
I was snapping like crazy while we drove long Sisowath Quay and out of the dozen photos, this one, taken just before we passed in front of the Royal Palace, isn’t really bad.I love how this picture turned out. What do you think?
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  1. great post for wordless… Happy WW! Hoping you can visit @ my little corner.

  2. I love this one. Nice contrast with the lights and the darkness.Here's my Wordless Wednesday. I hope you will stop by.

  3. i like it! Good shot!

  4. It's actually good. I like it! =)

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