Posts Tagged "Hello… moto!"

APAD 076: Moto wash

Posted by on Jan 24, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 6 comments

The numbers of motorcycle in Phnom Penh alone is pegged at about half a million {source: me, bwahahhaha}. Can you imagine the scene during the rush hour?

apad signs moto wash

And with such number, the demand for moto wash is huge therefore a lot of locals are cashing in on the demand. You can see signs like this – some hand-painted like you see in the pic, and others, digitally-printed – everywhere. A car wash business is a very simple and easy business that can be set up at home with very little effort and with equipment as basic as high-pressure water hose, soap, and plenty of rags/cloths.

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APAD 063: Fun with words

Posted by on Jan 3, 2013 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, Signs of Times, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 4 comments

We were driving right behind this vehicle when the sign caught my attention. I didn’t know what to say so I pointed it out to my husband. He didn’t know what he was looking at in the beginning but when he realised it, he was amused.

apad signs keweseki

The humour comes in the use of letters. Replace the “e” with “a” and you have “Kawasaki” which is an international company in Japan specialising in motorcycle stuff.

Makes me wonder though if the sign was actually intended to be funny, or, this Keweseki company actually exists and piggy-backing on the popular brand name by replacing some letters to avoid being slapped with a lawsuit?

I hope it is just the former. I can’t wait to find some “SUNY” appliances, “TAYATO”, “Metzubeshe”, “Yemehe” or “Sazaki” vehicles running around town and photographed them! Lol.

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APAD 055: Clear

Posted by on Dec 21, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Expat Life, sights, That's My World, What's On in Cambodia | 0 comments

What else to do when stuck in traffic?

What else to do while stuck in a traffic? Why, sky-watching, of course!

This photo was taken along Monivong Boulevard last Sunday. It was between 10-11am, the sun was high and it was very hot. That probably caused a lot of people to be hot-tempered as well, lol.


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APAD 053: Green

Posted by on Dec 19, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, sights, That's My World, transportation, travel, Uncategorized | 3 comments

large green tree

Taken along Russei Keo district.

Go to Wordless Wednesday for more entries.

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APAD 052: Slowly but surely

Posted by on Dec 18, 2012 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, Cambodia life, Cycle 2, Signs, That's My World, transportation, What's On in Cambodia | 3 comments

An overloaded cart pulled by a moto slowly making its way to wherever its destination was. This photo was taken along the Russian Boulevard last Sunday.

I pray the driver and his cargo arrived safely.

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