Posts made in June 17th, 2011

APAD 098: Wat Vipassanak Thurak, Kep

Posted by on Jun 17, 2011 in A Photo a Day, Addicted to Meme, All things Khmer, Cambodia, Cambodia life, Kep, new temples, rural, sights, Skywatch Friday | 5 comments

Just south of Kep town is Wat Vipassana Thurak, or Wat Vipassana Meditation Centre. It sits on a hill at the bosom of Kep National Park overlooking Kep and its nearby islands, and the Gulf of Thailand. On a very clear day, the Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc can be seen from the horizon. The temple is new and has several giant images of the Buddha. It is well worth a visit!
To go there, follow this link.
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