Amidst the sea of Lexuses, Toyotas, Range Rovers and the hundreds – if not thousands – of motorbikes and tuktuks in the streets of Phnom Penh, one can still find ox-carts or cow-drawn carts like this slowly making its way into the city.

apad 193 cow-drawn cart

These carts come in from the provinces plying their homemade clay pots, bowls and other cooking utensils.

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  1. What a lovely shot. A nice slow way of life.

  2. So interesting and unusual. I would buy his wares just for the treat of seeing this!

  3. Nice way to travel…
    And a very good shot!

  4. Love your picture – colors, composition … and the rest of your blog, too. Such a wonderful country, thank you for blogging about it!

  5. there’s a timeless quality to the picture.

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